Sunday, October 26, 2008

Go Obama Go!!!

It’s the final countdown!

So, who’s it going to be? Will it be Barack Obama or John McCain? Who is going to reign supreme and wind up the President of the world’s most powerful country? It’s the final push to the White House as the election takes place next Tuesday.

This is going to be the election heard around the world. You may not be an American citizen but this election affects everybody. After having George Bush at the helm for eight years, it’s time to get some new blood into the Oval Office.

By new blood, I mean Democratic blood. McCain for the last little while has been trying to differentiate himself from Bush. But McCain is exactly like Bush. He’s a Republican white man with the same policies. McCain just happens to be about a hundred years older than Bush.

Right now, Obama is leading the polls when it comes to popularity. That may be a good sign, but I’m concerned the people in mid-USA are going to come out in droves on Election Day and vote for the Republican Party. That’s exactly what happened in 2004 when Bush was elected again for a second term.

But this is the week we find out if America will actually appoint the first black President. The US can make history here. C’mon America, you screwed it up the last election, don’t fail the world again.

Go Barack Obama Go!!!

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